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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

No Cook DIY Laundry Soap

So in an attempt to save money, because lets face it who doesn't want to save money these days!  I decided that I would make my own laundry soap!  Well after reading one recipe right after another, NONE of them ever enticed me to want to make them.  I didn't want to cook all the stuff down and blah blah blah, so I continued to look.

Then I came across this blog {which I will post at the end}.  So I decided that this was the recipe for me!

Here is goes, you will need a few supplies because this makes A LOT.  I didn't have a 5 Gal bucket with a lid to store the stuff in, so I made a trip to Home Depot {well and Menards & Lowe's all in the same day, but more on that later}

Then you need to go to Wal-Mart.  In a failed attempt I tried to get all of my supplies at Target while I was there, but they only had a couple of the items that I needed so I just purchased what they had and made another stop.  Here is the recipe:

  • 1 (4 lb 12 oz) Box of Borax- Found in the detergent aisle
  • 1 (3 lb 7 oz) Box of Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda- Found in the detergent aisle
  • 1 (3 lb) Container of OxyClean- Found in the detergent aisle
  • 2 (14.1 oz) Fels Naptha  Found in the detergent aisle (she used pink zote in hers, but it is not available at our local Wal-Mart)
  • 1 (4 lb) Box of Arm & Hammer Baking Soda- Found in the detergent aisle
  • 1-2 (55 oz) Bottle of Purex Crystals Fabric Softener- Found in the detergent aisle- She stated that it was 100% optional, but I like my laundry soap to smell good, so it was not optional for me!
It feels like it takes forever to grate the soap, but that is the most time consuming thing!  Be careful not to grate your knuckles, or grate them twice in one spot like I did {I will save you the battle wound picture}  After you get both bars done, that is when you start to mix this in your bucket.  I added a little of each at a time and stirred, that way it was well mixed.  I don't just like the smell of this, I love the smell of the soap!  I took her advice and saved my Purex bottle and dumped it in, and put my huge bucket away until it needs to be refilled!  Every load takes 2 TBSP, or 1/2 a lid full.  I made enough laundry soap to last us a year or close to a year, in a little over a hour.  

After washing my clothes, blankets or anything else I could find to wash {because washing is fun when you know you are not going to run out of soap and you are addicted to the smell} I have noticed that my blankets and towels are even softer then when I was using Tide.  

I did a rough estimate on savings:
Homemade soap:  about $30.00
Tide- about $150/ year {give or take}

I already have a $120.00 savings for the year!  Go ahead try it, you will be very happy you did!

How Does She Blog:

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